Thursday, February 25, 2010

No time like the present

I know, I know I've been away too long.  I admit I've been a little self absorbed as of late haha.  Between work and being sick I haven't had time to update.  Hope everyone is doing great.  Tomorrow's Friday - another week behind me (amen).  Tomorrow I want to give it all I've got and do an even better job while helping to improve the lives of animals.  For the last couple of weeks I've honestly been giving it 90% of what I've got because of my utter disgust with certain people in the work place.  Years ago I told myself I would never let the politics change how I feel about my job, because it's something I genuinely love.  It's always easier to say it than do it.  The laziness of some people is just appalling, to the point where I want to just meet them at their game.  I can be lazy too, if you want me to play this game with you.  However,  I've had to step back to remind myself that some of us do this job because we love animals.  I won't be pulled into mediocrity because of someone else's short comings and lack of ambition.  I'm not waiting for next week to come before I choose to start over.  Today is the is the time.

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