Monday, March 8, 2010

Update: work pt.1

It's been a busy week.  I apologize for my absence.  As most of you know by now there's been a lot of changes going at job.  I'm nervous and excited about the future.  Thanks to everyone of you who keep my name in your prayers.  I need them now more than anything.  I've spent the last few months in prayer and thought about this love I have; my job.  I knew some changes would be taking place this year, and the thought of a certain person becoming my "boss" just wasn't going to happen.  However, every time I had a negative thought of a particular person that I honestly wanted to get rid of I heard this little voice in back of my mind saying don't you make a move, I've got this.  One thing I've always believed in is karma.  What you put out there will come back to you with double the power.  I'm too afraid of trying to dig a grave for someone else, because that's when you end up hurting yourself.  So with that said I've remained firm...just standing, waiting, believing that God's taking care of me.  There's nothing like giving up what little control you think you have.  Well here I am...believing, just believing that the best will work out in the end.

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