Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to business

When things get tough, plant yourself; stead-fast and focused.  You can't overcome your problems in life when your focus is off track.  I can't go into detail at the moment, but those of you reading know the struggle I've been going through.  I thank EACH AND EVERYONE of you who showed me support.  Thank you for your prayers, listening to me vent, sending uplifting messages and remaining stead-fast with me.  All those nights I stayed up unable to sleep because the stress weighed on me, I am thankful for all of you.  It hasn't been easy.  Never did I doubt my faith, because no matter how intense things may have gotten, I chose to believe!  Many times my faith ran dry and I had to rely on the kind words of friends to carry through to another day.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, when we overcome one obstacle in life, there's a brief reprieve then another test presents itself.  I thank You Lord that this long, tiring, (emotionally & physically) draining storm is over!

I want to share a word of encouragement with all of you who are reading this.  As my Aunt Toni would say "I'm not tell you what I heard.  I'm telling you what I know!"  And what I know is people will try everything within human possibility to destroy you by breaking your spirit.  Don't allow anyone (husband, wife, supervisor, mom, dad, etc.) ever crush your spirit.  When words of encouragement can't be heard from a single being, plant your feet solid on the ground in which you stand, look up and start speaking words of encouragement to yourself.  Even if you don't believe a single thing coming out your mouth, keep speaking words of faith and encouragement.  I can't tell you how much strength you'll find when you continue to say positive things about yourself.  I've been there!  At one point I remember mentally being so exhausted I had to lock myself away in my room.  I turned every light off and wept from heart.  I spoke words of encouragement to myself.  I spoke those words aloud because (for me) there's something about saying it out loud.  I am a good person, no matter what people say or think about me.  I won't let anyone steal my faith, because good will overcome evil.  My life is meant for me to enjoy it, in abundance to the full until it overflows and no demon in hell can take that right from me.  I know someday this storm is going to be over!  I can make it...

Again, thank you to any of you who supported me through one of the most difficult times I've had to go through!  I want to get back to me.  I have a job to do and a life to back to business :)

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