Monday, August 2, 2010

hanging on

Better days are ahead, certainly.  I know the Lord will not continue to let these issues increase.  Have you ever dealt with something so long that you begin to physically see yourself change before your own eyes???  I know that I'm where I should be, this is my destiny.  Despite what may be going on around me, I genuinely love my job and nothing can change that.  People will be people and I have to bear with things until His will be done.  In the midst of all my struggles and doubts, I have a strong feeling emerging from my heart softly whispering to me "the fight is almost over, hang on".  I am not at liberty to speak about anything work related, but friends I ask you say a prayer for me.  I need strength to continue on.  I'm a fighter, and it takes a lot to take me out.  I have no doubt things will work out in my favor, but still strength is needed right now in order me to continue functioning.

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