Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Countdown to 2010!!!

Looking forward to ending this year!  I'm happy that I've made it this far, and I pray to see the next year too.  I'm 25 years old now and determined to grow a little more, see a little more of the world, enjoy my life a little more, give a little of myself to my job--simple 'resolutions'.  This year I was very successful with something that I thought would bring about more peace in my life...STAYING AWAY FROM NEGATIVE PEOPLE!  Some think I went crazy because I went on a massive downsizing socially.  Of course the people that thought I was going mad are the people I chose to rid my life of.  Haha funny how that works huh?  Seriously after the seeing  positive energy that came from getting rid of unnecessary people I am convinced that I did what was right.  I'm an independent person who doesn't thrive on the social scene (anymore).  It's overrated--plain and simple.  Give me a glass of wine and a classic movie alone any day over some pretentious, self indulging, judgmental people.  Take it from me: keeping life simple can change your life for the best!  To the few people who are always in my corner (and you know who you are :) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  I'll see you next year for sure :)

New years plans?  It's looking like a few drinks with my a couple special friends....ringing in 2010 with a ray of positivity.  I hope ALL OF YOU have a wonderful new year!  I'm pretty sure this will be my last blog for 2009.  Of course will keep you updated until I blog again :)


Joan- thank you VERY much for the painting!  I can't stop staring at it (sounds a little 'self-indulging' LOL) but I really do love it!  Couldn't have asked for anything better :) 

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