Wednesday, December 9, 2009


2009 has been a year of immense growth for me.  What was started in 2008 really took off in 2009.  I've been molded into a place of self assurance.  I know who I am and what I want.  With this metamorphosis I've encountered many a battles on the personal front.  In fact, I can't say that I'm not enduring some new battles at this very moment.  I know I've been blessed beyond all measure just by the fact that I'm still here today, standing.  Of the lessons I have learned this year, there's one I'll keep with me forever; the realization that it's better to just STAND than run. Many, many, many times this year I was brought face to face with new and bigger fears. Many times when there were no answers at the moment to settle my heart and emotions, I would just stand.  Thinking: either I'm going make it through this or it's going to defeat me, but either way I'm not running back.  Move forward or don't move at all.  I think it's the whole mentality that no one and nothing is going to make me run anymore.  Forward motion is a sign of progress, things are changing, improving, and lessons are being learned.  Running back is the complete opposite.

I can't help but think of those who meant nothing more than to harm me, kill my spirit, take the love and compassion from my heart.  Sorry, you didn't succeed.  I know 2010 and beyond will have it's Christa Bragg's and family members who will plot to dig a grave for me.  That's called LIFE.  But more importantly I know that with those negative elements if I remain true to who I am I will always have the right people in my corner.  I'm not sure if I'll get to post again before the year ends but if not I want to say a very special and dear thanks to those of you who have remained true.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!  Back to New York next week...and I can't wait :)


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