Monday, April 26, 2010

Big ego

Be careful of the energy you put out there, what you put out you will inherit double the portion.  That is a fact, like it or not.  It's easy to exalt ourselves, but when you work with a team you take "me" and "I" out of the picture, to be replaced by "us" and "we".  That is a team.  No longer will exalting oneself be acceptable, because "I" no longer exist.   Each person within that group plays in intricate part in seeing that the job gets completed, efficiently.  Fragile egos always stand out as red flags (to me), because when you're working to attain a goal that will improve the lives of others there's no room for shallow egos.  Instead, focus on what YOU can do to help not only improve those around you, but also on what will improve you as well.  None of us should ever reach a point to where we feel we're done growing.  As long as there's breath within my body, I know there's still room for me to grow.  A team will never advance and succeed when there's war within the fort.  A relationship can't see it's brightest days until we leave our egos at the door.

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