Sunday, April 11, 2010

Update: work pt.2

The picture above is from the chaotic mess of Saturday. 
Okay last weeks lesson: GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE and FIND BALANCE...AGAIN!!!

First of all, I'm just thankful to God that I made it through the week.  It's been awhile since I've felt so overwhelmed to the point of possibly cracking under the pressure.  Each day got worse than the day before.  Being busy is always a good thing, but without enough solid support around you it's hard.  I'm not faulting anyone, because there was nothing any of us could do to make the load any easier.  By the time I left work Saturday night (over 2 hours late, by the way) I was drowning in exhaustion.  Relentless headache, frustrated, & of course....exhausted.

To update those of you who don't know what's been going on my hospital is being converted to an Associate Hospital.  With this conversion I've been working with a smaller staff.  Not that we ever had enough staff before, so now it's understood what a blow this is to have an even smaller staff.  Somehow I've lost myself within this transition.  After reflecting on this week I saw that I allowed the insanity around me to cause me to lose balance in my life.  Bringing work home with me is something I have got to stop NOW.  If 12 hours isn't enough time to serve in one day then I guess people will just have to deal with it.  I've played with 'burn-out' before and it's not worth it.  Burn-out causes me to easily become angry with co-workers, short tempered, & prevents me from giving my all to the job that I love.

I'll survive this transition.  I have to embrace balance in order to go back to that place of serenity.  Since I've been there before, let me be the first to tell you it's a beautiful thing.  After the sun sets on this chapter of my life serenity shall return again.  This much I know is true.

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