Friday, April 2, 2010


THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY! (and the crowd cheers)  This week has been in a league of it's on.  Let's just say I'm happy to have it behind me.  I'm just so thoroughly disgusted with the way some "professionals" choose to conduct themselves.  Lack of respect for the profession in which you work.  I think those of us who make the choice to work with animals should stop and do a heart check.  Is my heart really in this?  How far am I willing to go to improve and enrich the lives I have in my hands everyday?  Let's not take advantage of the fact that the owner trusts anything we choose to do, and their child "can't talk".  I know to a certain extent I live in a Disney world, where everyone wants what's best for the animals.  This week has been filled with picking up the slack of others just because the utter lack of care or concern, and that bothers me.  To be frank, it pisses me off and makes me mad as hell.  I'm not angered by picking up the slack, I'm disgusted that a person who is supposed to 'help' an innocent pet would ever allow themselves to get in the position of not caring.  I completely understand that we all have our days where we're not as good as we were the day before.  But damn, this is a field that by dropping the ball once would make you responsible for harming a life; the opposite of what our true intent should be.  Again, thank God it's Friday!

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