Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another part of me

HAPPY 4TH of JULY!!! Let's celebrate life and the freedom we have in the United States! I love holidays and movements that promote and represent freedom. This weekend has been rather calm, but still a lot of fun. I've been busy working, but I love it so I'm not complaining. Therapy went great last week. I feel like we're still getting so much accomplished in my life. Everyday I am seeing all the blessings I have in life more and more. This month is particularly special for me, because it represents my personal freedom. At this same point last year most of my blogs were pretty bleak. Someone that I loved, adored, & held in high admiration betrayed me, publicly humiliated me, and left me lost and confused. In retrospect I look at the situation in the light of positivity. Through the drama, I found out who my real friends were, I learned to not be co-dependent on anyone, & the most valuable lesson of them all was that I needed to embrace myself. I set out on the journey of discovering who Antonio is; the real me that resides under the rumble of brokenness. A year later I stand here, more confident than ever before; continuing to watch myself grow. Watching the wounds of the past slowly callus over, leaving thicker, more well rounded skin that can withstand much more than before.

This month I'd like to post blogs of inspiration based on the lessons I learned over the last year. It's a celebration of life! I still live with Teckie's infamous words of wisdom in my heart, "we take the hits and move on" (go back and read that one). I still remember reading that line in an email she sent me in response to all the negativity I had going on in my life. And it's so true, we have to take the hits and move on! There's really no other choice, except to give up on life, and that's no option for me! Once again, celebrate your life and your freedom. Good night.


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