Monday, July 13, 2009

I didn't know my own strength

Today was my regular therapy session. I always look forward to the Mondays I'm scheduled to go, I can't believe I've been going for 10 months now. I have no choice but to look back and laugh at my "plan". The original plan being, to go for about 6 months, then come out completely restored, stronger than ever, never needing anyone --haha. What a joke right? I am still going every other week, because through therapy and talking things out I've (unknowingly) been placed on a journey of finding myself. This was particularly funny because I thought I knew myself. Another joke. It took being used, abused, & abandoned to make me seek help. Today that hurt no longer controls me, because I learned the simple truth that "we take the hits and move on." I find myself more thankful for those situations that led to the realization of what dangerous friendships I was in. That one night where my heart was laid vulnerably before my perpetrators. And though they're all wrong for their part, I find solace in knowing the Lord had a lesson to teach me. Placing all my faith and hope in a person or a group of people is a no-no. After they all turned their backs I had only God and my best friend (Teckie) to rely on. It's a priceless lesson. My heart is still covered in scars, and I find myself not trusting people with ease anymore, but they couldn't take the love out of me. I still believe love is the movement & act that impacts life more than anything else. I've decided nothing will ever take my hearts song. I believe in love, plain and simple. No matter the hurt and scars I refuse to let go of my passion for the love of humanity. Love is something we all need. Love is one of the few things we can give freely without any conditions. Here's to freedom! July in more ways than one symbolizes freedom for me; free country, free heart, free love, free to live life and make an impact.

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