Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Minor details

In the hustle of every day life it's easy to forget the little things. Taking notice to the minor details that help to form the big picture is so often not even noticed. I've said many times that I am blessed to have a job that I love. I don't work in this field because I have to. I do it because it's my love, my passion, & my heart. I haven't vacationed since December 2008, so I've been feeling a little burned out lately. Working with animals is a breeze but when you factor in owners, co-workers, & corporate it can all become exhausting. I've become to wrapped in me to be frank. You know the whole woe-is-me saga --"What about ME! What about ME! what about ME!" Shame on me! Really I should be ashamed. Once again God sends me little reminders that there's a bigger purpose to my life and working. Something bigger than my own personal satisfaction. Helping animals, helping their owners, building a trusting relationship that makes each person feel as though their pet is receiving the best care possible. That should be my focus. But I confess that in my "burn out" and "exhaustion" I've spent a lot time griping & complaining about small things. I am at a point where I would much rather do treatment and prevention, and avoid going into rooms and interacting with the owners (clients). I call it people burn out. I love the animals...but the people??? Not so much haha. I'm only kidding, but you know what I'm trying to say! People talk too much, they're too demanding, & a lot of them are just mean for no reason!

OK I am spiraling now. Back to the point, over the last two weeks I've been given a reminder that it's not about me! Blow to my ego huh? The owners of one of my favorite patients, mailed a card to the hospital for me. In the card they told me how much they appreciated my devotion to their pet and family. This really made me smile, because the Lord knows that particular day was one of those when I wanted to give up. But the story that makes me weep for joy of good hearts comes from another client. This past Monday at work was beyond busy. We were all aggravated, stressed, & exhausted, but around 5:00 I noticed one of my clients waiting in a long line at the reception area. I knew she was there to see me, but I thought "she's going to have to just wait because I'm too busy to bothered with her." Very selfish of me, I know. I've beat myself up about it every day since. After waiting around 35 minutes, it was their turn to see me. I called her (and her two sons) into an exam room. The whole time wondering "wait, where's your dog?" They weren't there to see me with any medical questions or issues, instead they brought me two watermelons. She told me she remembered me saying once that I love watermelon. She went on to say they didn't have much financially, but in their backyard they had a small garden of watermelon. It really touched my heart because I know how much it meant to her to bring those to me. To be honest I had forgotten that in one of our random chats that I mentioned how much I love watermelon. It also reminded me that no matter how little we have, God still shows us ways to give & show love. Minor details can be made into a major impact. God bless them. Their act of love, humility, & gratefulness will forever have an imprint on my heart. Sure this means nothing to a lot of people, but I see the bigger picture.

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