Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson memorial service at the Staples Center

Today has been an emotional day for millions of us throughout the world. I watched the memorial service for the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. It was executed with perfection, in true Michael Jackson fashion. Hearing the choir sing "Soon And Very Soon" as his casket was brought in by his surviving brothers made me cry. In that moment it hit me. This is real, he's really gone. I'm not sure what it was. The site of the casket, his mourning family, or the somberness flowing around the world today. As I watched Mariah deliver a choked up, emotionally drenched rendition of "I'll Be There" I couldn't help but to weep. The tribute was appropriate, only focusing on the beautiful person who loved the world and gave so much of himself to help improve the lives of others. I believe that where a persons heart resides, is what we should focus on. How can you not love someone who has heart full of love, compassion, & inspiration? I will forever be inspired by Michael's fighter spirit. Though he was ridiculed, ostracized, & abandoned by many he still remained true to his "heart song" of loving, giving, and loving even harder. Through love we can accomplish anything, for love is the seed that gives life to life. We have his music to continue inspiring us everyday, but still we'll weep, for a true star has fallen.

As I sit here and reflect on his life and today's memorial service I weep even more. For different reasons now that I've calm down from the service. I weep not because we (the public, the fans) have lost an idol, but I weep for his innocent children. At 7, 11, & 12 I wonder how they're coping...do they understand all that has happened? Seeing Michael's daughter briefly speak of what a great father he was tells me all I need to know. He was a great man. I hate seeing children in distress, my heart literally felt a jolt of pain as she broke down in telling the world of how much she missed her father. I think the moment that really broke me in two was seeing the youngest son (Blanket) weep endless tears as his older sister sobbed. Children are the most pure thing this world has to offer, and to see their emotions on display before the world was heart wrenching. God bless them. Say a prayer for them.

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