Tuesday, July 15, 2008

There's someone bigger than me

With each day that passes things are getting better and better. They're not perfect, but I know as long as I'm alive things will never be perfect. All I can really do is seek peace in every circumstance that comes my way. A major problem for me is always feeling the need to be my own problem solver. Some problems are just too big for me to even begin to attempt to know how to solve them. I've seen time and time again, when I give up trying to be my own protector, He shows up and lifts me above all the mountains I tried climbing on my own. Last night I got a good nights sleep for the first time in awhile. Earlier during the evening I found myself stressing about money and how to fix some other problems, when I realized that all my worrying wasn't going produce any instant results. I know everything that is going on right now has to have some purpose. So I'm leaving it all in Gods hands, He'll take care of me.

Today was a great day at work.  I honestly felt like I had a little more on me than I could handle, but I kept in mind that everyday is a test and my attitude plays a big part in my passing or failing.  All of my clients today seemed to be in a grateful mood --which is unheard of.  One of them even brought a gift to the hospital and wrote a really nice letter of appreciation for the care I provided for their pet.  That truly made my day.  When you do what you love for a living, to have someone recognize your heart & effort is unparalleled on all levels.  I know that for all the worst and all the best I am blessed.  Everything is going to be work out in my favor.

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