Monday, April 26, 2010

Big ego

Be careful of the energy you put out there, what you put out you will inherit double the portion.  That is a fact, like it or not.  It's easy to exalt ourselves, but when you work with a team you take "me" and "I" out of the picture, to be replaced by "us" and "we".  That is a team.  No longer will exalting oneself be acceptable, because "I" no longer exist.   Each person within that group plays in intricate part in seeing that the job gets completed, efficiently.  Fragile egos always stand out as red flags (to me), because when you're working to attain a goal that will improve the lives of others there's no room for shallow egos.  Instead, focus on what YOU can do to help not only improve those around you, but also on what will improve you as well.  None of us should ever reach a point to where we feel we're done growing.  As long as there's breath within my body, I know there's still room for me to grow.  A team will never advance and succeed when there's war within the fort.  A relationship can't see it's brightest days until we leave our egos at the door.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Step one

OK I'm sitting here having a "moment", that's what I call these intimate times when I'm alone with my thoughts.  I found myself having one of these moments about two days ago.  When I have a moment I know it's happening for a reason...and if I'm still and quiet, I can probably hear what is being said.  Tonight all I've heard is love, love, love....

I can't lose sight of the goal.  Starting tonight I am opening my heart again to be fully examined, because I feel myself allowing the negativity of some situations to overtake my spirit.  I've been consumed with work issues 24/7 for the last few weeks.  At the end of the day I want my heart to be open to forgiving those whom I feel have wronged me and start back at step one, with love.  If there's one thing that's for sure it's that each day you'll be presented with a chance to go back to basics of life and humanity: LOVE.  So many days I don't want to think of giving love to anyone, in fact more often than not I'd rather give someone a good ol' "love" tap right up side their head.  I think the latter is a side effect from working with people because I've been feeling that way more and more each day.  I know this "moment" keeps tugging at my heart for a reason.  No matter how complicated life gets there's always that basic action that starts the movement in the right direction...LOVE

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Update: work pt.2

The picture above is from the chaotic mess of Saturday. 
Okay last weeks lesson: GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE and FIND BALANCE...AGAIN!!!

First of all, I'm just thankful to God that I made it through the week.  It's been awhile since I've felt so overwhelmed to the point of possibly cracking under the pressure.  Each day got worse than the day before.  Being busy is always a good thing, but without enough solid support around you it's hard.  I'm not faulting anyone, because there was nothing any of us could do to make the load any easier.  By the time I left work Saturday night (over 2 hours late, by the way) I was drowning in exhaustion.  Relentless headache, frustrated, & of course....exhausted.

To update those of you who don't know what's been going on my hospital is being converted to an Associate Hospital.  With this conversion I've been working with a smaller staff.  Not that we ever had enough staff before, so now it's understood what a blow this is to have an even smaller staff.  Somehow I've lost myself within this transition.  After reflecting on this week I saw that I allowed the insanity around me to cause me to lose balance in my life.  Bringing work home with me is something I have got to stop NOW.  If 12 hours isn't enough time to serve in one day then I guess people will just have to deal with it.  I've played with 'burn-out' before and it's not worth it.  Burn-out causes me to easily become angry with co-workers, short tempered, & prevents me from giving my all to the job that I love.

I'll survive this transition.  I have to embrace balance in order to go back to that place of serenity.  Since I've been there before, let me be the first to tell you it's a beautiful thing.  After the sun sets on this chapter of my life serenity shall return again.  This much I know is true.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Life tough times are rough, but remember we all have the power of love.  When friends and family fall weak, use the love to help hold them up.  Speak gently, open your heart, and let love take over.  Through love and the acceptance of love, restoration is born.

Felt like keeping it short for this post, because love is such a strong word.  When you stop and take it the power of those four letters you'll realize why it's best to keep this one simple.


Friday, April 2, 2010


THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY! (and the crowd cheers)  This week has been in a league of it's on.  Let's just say I'm happy to have it behind me.  I'm just so thoroughly disgusted with the way some "professionals" choose to conduct themselves.  Lack of respect for the profession in which you work.  I think those of us who make the choice to work with animals should stop and do a heart check.  Is my heart really in this?  How far am I willing to go to improve and enrich the lives I have in my hands everyday?  Let's not take advantage of the fact that the owner trusts anything we choose to do, and their child "can't talk".  I know to a certain extent I live in a Disney world, where everyone wants what's best for the animals.  This week has been filled with picking up the slack of others just because the utter lack of care or concern, and that bothers me.  To be frank, it pisses me off and makes me mad as hell.  I'm not angered by picking up the slack, I'm disgusted that a person who is supposed to 'help' an innocent pet would ever allow themselves to get in the position of not caring.  I completely understand that we all have our days where we're not as good as we were the day before.  But damn, this is a field that by dropping the ball once would make you responsible for harming a life; the opposite of what our true intent should be.  Again, thank God it's Friday!