I want to begin with making a statement from my heart: Love will never fail! I believe with everything in me that where there is love there's no room for failure. Lately with all that has been going on in my personal life and things I've shared on this blog, I've come to the recurring conclusion, it all boils down to love. Just accept it. Tonight I was reading the "love chapter", in 1st Corinthians. It's always been among my favorite passages from the bible, because despite what faith we believe in there's one thing that unites us all. Love. Understanding and practicing love has been a lifelong journey. When I think I've got it figured out, I am faced with the reminder that I am still but a child in this world trying to find my way. Here I am again hanging on to hope of love.
Those who have wronged me, used me, talked about me, purposely inflicted pain in my life, I would still like to still practice the act of love towards them. Of course, this is where I fail the most. Once you've crossed me, I usually hold it deep in my heart. When I'm hurt in any manner I tend to withdraw, because with betrayal comes a deep pain. In order to not experience that pain, most of us choose to become totally self reliant. In many ways it does protect us. But I've found that if you become too withdrawn because of past hurts, ice sheaths around your heart, and it blocks you from expressing love and compassion. And I don't want to live a life that lacks in love and compassion. Those are fundamental building blocks to living a happy, successful, & meaningful life -in my opinion. I want the atmosphere around me to reek of love. Without taking things overboard, I want to practice love until the day I'm called home. There must be balance. I don't think we're supposed to live a life that is devoted solely to ourselves, nor should we devote our life to trying to make everyone happy. I'll be the first to draw the line when I think people are viewing me as a doormat.
You can do all the good in the world, but without having love in your heart it amounts to nothing. I am fortunate to be in a position of doing a job that I have a true love for. So on a daily basis I get the chance to practice love. The job isn't always pretty, that's for sure, but because I love it and it's my hearts love to help enrich and improve the lives of animals and their families. Practicing love in that respect is a breeze for me. But I've become callused to the act of love when it comes to those who have wronged me. I've been tested many times, and failed each time because I find it almost impossible to practice love with someone who has hurt me. But there's a message in 1st Corinthians that speaks louder than any other movement in this world, LOVE IS WHAT WE ALL NEED! Not a judgmental love, but rather a love that says I'm here for you, plain and simple. To stop loving someone because you don't see eye to eye is shameful. I must stop here and say I am so thankful and grateful for having special people in my life (though they are few) who practice this kind of love with me. You know who you are, thank you :) But the point I am trying to make is we should all put a premium on love. Everyday let's practice love. Especially on those days when it seems like we could care less about love. Turn the heat up and love harder!
I'll keep you posted on how this movement goes for me...I may be ready to throw the towel in by next week haha.
Good night,