Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Within the inner sanctum of my soul I hear a quiet voice saying "pray, pray, pray".  There's nothing more to do but pray...and wait.  Fighting away the anxiety that comes with waiting feels like a relentless battle when all you want is for things to change.  It feels like that change can't come soon enough.  Either way I'm here to say that I've planted my feet and I'm going to wait.  Wait on the Lord.  Joy will be restored in the lives of my lost friends, as long as there's breath in my body I'm going to believe that things will change.  It's been ordained, joy is on the way.  I've never believed more than I do now, but His word shall not return void, and though weeping my endure for a night joy will come in the morning (Psalm 30:5).  Only the Lord knows how precious that passage is to me.  I've seen it through so many dark times in my life.  Never once have I been let down by it.

I've had nights where I've all but drown in my own tears, crying out "Lord help me, I can't go on", thinking I was going to succumb to the pain, the hurt, the betrayal, & anger.  But every time I've been brought back to that scripture.  I know now that weeping is only temporary when I am willing to hand it over.  All of you that read this I want to encourage you to hold on because joy is on the way.  I want to close this with the song that I'm listening to right now.  The words have inspired me so much to just hold on....just wait!  I am believing the best will happen in the lives of those I love, no matter what they're going through.  We're all human and dark times try to bring us all to our demise.  I am so thankful that I didn't end it when I felt the pressure increase because now I know that my bigger purpose yet to be served in this life...

I may never climb a mountain so I can see the world from there
I may never ride the waves and taste the salty ocean air
Or build a bridge that will last a hundred years
But no matter where the road leads 
One thing is always clear

I am blessed from when I rise up in the morning
Until I lay my head to rest
I feel you near me
You soothe me when I'm weary
Lord for all the worst and all the best
I am blessed 

These are the lyrics that changed my life forever, because in that moment I remember saying to God that I'm done.  This life is not worth it anymore and this song started playing.  And at that moment it hit me!  I'm blessed, He's not done with me, and joy was sure to come in the morning!

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