Sunday, August 10, 2008

The return to work

The past week has been good.  Returning to work was the best part of it all.  I have OCD when it comes to my job; I love being there because there's never a moment when something isn't taking place --new things to learn everyday, I love it.  Organized chaos at it's best.  All in all I'm thankful for everything that has happened, good and bad.  When bad things happen to us, we tend to think "God I can't deal with this anymore", and after last months back to back 'bad moments' I really thought I couldn't live on.  Everyone that knows me is aware of what I'm referring to, so there's no need to re-hatch any specific events.  It's in the past, never to be mentioned again.  As it tends to work out most of the time, we realize after we've survived the storm that we had more strength than we believed.  I feel much more confident, happy, & peaceful than I have in years.  Looking back at all the trials, I now give thanks to God for allowing everything that took place to happen,  because it only made me stronger and learn to rely on Him more than before.  

Last night after work, I went out to dinner with some friends.  Everyone knows I'm all about a good meal and a glass of wine.  It feels incredible to be happy & free to enjoy life again.  This was something I had gotten 'used' to not doing anymore in order to make certain people happy.  I'm not blaming anyone in particular, because it doesn't matter anymore, but you can only know this feeling if you've been imprisoned whether it's by a person, situation, etc.  I'm just overwhelmed with joy that the fight is over.  

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