Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How do rumors get started?

I don't like rumors, at all.  In fact when someone typically tries to tell me something they've 'heard' about someone I don't even listen to it.  Why waste my time concerning myself with something that is likely untrue anyway?  Life is much too short to worry about what others are or aren't doing.  GET A LIFE! :)  We all have our own lives to live, right???  I had lunch with a close friend of mine Sunday afternoon, and I was informed of some different rumors going around about myself and people I'm involved with.  Typically when someone tells me they've heard something about me it doesn't bother me, I have never had a problem with honesty.  If you want to know something, ask me.  It just irritates me when a group of lifeless people (losers), none of whom I know personally.  In fact 90% of these people have never even talked to me --ever.  So I find it funny that they can know SO MUCH about me.  Things about me that even I didn't know!

After hearing some of the things that are being said I felt a little down, because I genuinely like all people.  The thought that all of these random people have all these negative things to say about me kind of offended me.  But once I took a moment to stop and evaluate some things, I saw the whole situation through a new light. 1. Look at where they live --of course there's no other source of entertainment other than gossip. 2. I'd NEVER associate with any of these people anyway --they're a social offense to anyone who knows how to enjoy life 3. I'm sure most of them have an IQ equivalent of your average 4th grader 4. None of them have experienced any culture since this area (location) is all they know --so gossip is the driving force in their lives.

This past summer was not easy for me by any means.  I re-learned the importance of unconditional love and forgiving people.  I've forged some truly amazing friendships in the wake of the madness of being ousted by one of my best friends.  I'm not here to apologize to anyone for decisions I've made.  No matter what is going on in my life, the main point is that I'm happy, I'm free, I'm loved, I have a select few friends who mean the world to me.  Yes, I've become involved with certain people recently that could make a few people raise their eyebrows.  It's safe to take it for what it is and not judge a book by it's cover.  Everyone that THINKS they have a grip on what has or is going on with me is most likely wrong.  I'm a free-spirit.  Always have been, always will be.  The black sheep --that's me.  I'm me.  I just had to do a little ranting because the rumor brigade kind of ruffled my feathers with all the foolishness.  But what can I do??? 

-Teckie Matthews Hinkebein

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