Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Napoleon complex

Bullies are very annoying to me. I don't tolerate bullying from anyone. There's something in me that is easily angered when I see someone else being bullied. I would rather someone try to bully me instead, because I know I can hold my own. My therapist has told me over and over again "it's not your responsibility to protect everyone." But by the same token I feel that it's natural for me to speak up for those who are too afraid to speak for themselves. Right now I know someone who is being picked on/bothered without just cause, and frankly it's pisses me off. I think a lot of it stems from the fact that the "bullies" see this person as the 'weaker' vessel. How sad it is that one persons esteem can be beaten so badly that they fear taking a stand and (rightfully) taking up for themselves.

I'm no fool, I understand a lot of my anger issues with bullies initially comes from my childhood. I never had anyone to stand up for me, so my options were simple: let everyone walk over me or stand firm against anyone who tries bringing me down. I remember many times standing up against my mother, her boyfriends, bullies at school. Even if I was scared to death, trembling inside, I never showed fear or that I may have been intimidated. One of the earliest lessons I learned in life, is that when you show fear it gives the bully control. So even if you're shaking in your boots, you still lock eyes with that pathetic trash, and speak firmly and make it known that you're not budging. I've been attacked with intimidation tactics, verbal insults, public embarrassment, etc. But I think when it's all said and done people genuinely appreciate a person who is willing to take a stand. I could write a book of all the mean, malicious, & vindictive assaults I endured as a child. I choose to focus on the fact that I'm still standing and none of those people won control of my life.

I have on other choice but to be there for the less fortunate. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of someone being bullied. Most bullies have a Napoleon complex anyway. Not really sure of themselves, afraid inside because of the assortment of issues they refuse to deal with. Those of you who know me, understand I feel about doing the right thing. Please say a little prayer that I am able to convey the point without having to take it too far LOL....we'll see! Have a good day everyone!

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