Thursday, September 4, 2008

never say never

Wow, where and how do I begin???  The phrase "Never say never" is continuously ringing in my head, over and over.  The last month of my life has been by far the best.  I don't think I've ever really been so happy.  As M.C. would say "I can't even know what to say"...literally I'm grasping for the words to convey what has happened and what is happening.  I think I got used to being unhappy, so it's a lot to take in, being able to say that I'm happy.

A little over three years ago I met Brent through a mutual friend.  To make a long story short we didn't get along.  He said some hurtful things about me and I did the same in exchange.  You know, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.  And I honestly built up a level of hate, bitterness, & resentment for him.  I didn't want anything to do with him or anyone who was associated with him.  It didn't make the situation any better to constantly hear negative things about him.  It made me feel even more like I shouldn't like him or give him a chance.  I felt justified in not liking him.  But over the last month or so, the tables have turned.  Out of the blue, my 'best friend' turned his back on me and left me high and dry.  Ironically enough, once I was able to scrape myself up off the floor and bounce back Brent was one of the main people to help me.  Throughout this insanely crazy, indescribable journey I've found a real best friend in him.  Yes, things seem like they've moved kinda fast.  But that's the cool part about it (to me) is the fact that no one understands or 'gets' it.  I think we're probably the only two who actually know what's going on.  And it can't really be explained to people other than I've found my best friend in him.  I'm not one to do something like this, because I don't like making a fool of myself.  I've had quite a few people say I'm doing just that, he can't change, and he's going to use me etc.  You know if there's one thing I've learned within the last month and a half it's to not worry about what MIGHT happen.  Just live and trust that you're going to make it and be okay.  I have never felt more supported in my life.  I think Brent is one of the greatest people I've ever met.  And I'm so happy our paths crossed when they did.  Anyone who knows anything about the situation will probably laugh when I say he's got to be the most amazing person I've ever met.  But the good news is, I don't care what anyone thinks.  I know what I know and that suits me fine.

Life  lesson: NEVER SAY NEVER!

1 comment:

D. Brent Welch said...

It is good to know that we both feel the same way about this situation at hand. I am also so glad that you did not listen to who ever was feeding you the crap about me going to use you and what not, if you are one of those people and you are reading this take this from me, I am not the same person I was before, I have changed a great deal, you should see for yourself. If no one ever would forgive and forget or get over the past where would the world be today??? I can forgive and forget and move on from the past, if I had not of done so I would have truly missed one of the best friendships in the world, two arch enemies now best friends that completely trust one another with anything, even their life.