Thursday, November 20, 2008

the message of peace lives on

As we approach the Day Of Compassion & World AIDS Day, I think of my ultimate hero Matty Stepanek.  Matty gives me hope when hope seems to be lost forever.  I find solace in knowing such magnificent minds have walked this earth and made peace their lifes message.  Through Matty's life my belief in peace on earth and goodwill to all men still lives on, despite the state of our world today.  It is easy to be influenced by the negativity we face today.  The lack of caring for one another has polluted the good nature of mankind.  And unfortunately it spreads like the plague.

Years ago, when I first heard of Matthew Joseph  Thaddeus Stepanek I was immediately taken aback.  I believe he was ten or eleven years old when I first heard of his story.  I was inspired by him choosing to see the glass as half full, always.  Matty suffered from a rare form of muscular dystrophy.   Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy.  Through his many 'close calls' with death, Matty continued to PRESS ON and spread his heart song of peace and love to the world.  A message that will never grow old.  I think of his life, his heart, and his dream of seeing the message of peace flow from human to human like a rapid ocean tide that no one can escape.  An ocean of peace that drowns everyone in its path.  Every year when the Day Of Compassion nears, Matty instantly comes to mind.  He lived for compassion.  It's something I want to embody, compassion.  I want all of us to be zealous for the simple act of compassion.  Like Matty, when my time comes to leave here, I too want to know that my life was one that inspired peace and compassion to those around me.  

In June 2004 'our guy', Matty could no longer fight his illness and went home to be with the Lord.  What a loss to the world; an advocate for peace.  Go online or to a local book store and read Matty's collection of poetry he wrote during his life.  Poetry that speaks of peace & hope.  It's inspiration is more profound than you can imagine.  The message is simple: PEACE.  One of my favorite quotes comes from Matty...think gently, speak gently, live gently.  Gives me chill bumps every time.  The simplicity of it, yet the power it contains.  

December 1st is World AIDS Day & the Day Of Compassion.  Go out and find someone to impact, or find something to take part in to show your heart --your real heart!  A heart of love and peace.  And may it live on within you day after day.

"Remember to play after every storm"
-Matty Stepanek

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