Wednesday, November 5, 2008


On THIS DAY I have never been more proud to be an American!  Barack Obama has become my country's 44th President.  To be honest, I'm still filled with such emotion to even blog about this historic event is almost impossible.  I cried, I shook, and trembled last night when I heard those words ..."Barack Obama has become America's 44th President."  After years, decades, and centuries of feeling a strong sense of injustice this victory is a sweet one.  One that I savor with the rest of THE WORLD.  This is not just a moment in American History, but a moment that will be known the world over.  This is world history!  Let's rewrite the books!  I gave my thoughts on Barack Obama before the voting took place, and I still hold to the things I said.  He is a man of great integrity, strength, & wisdom.  He is what this country needs to heal from years of a poorly ran administration and decades of inequality for some of our country's ground breakers.  He is a beacon of hope for millions of Americans.  Especially for African-Americans, young & old.  Last night I feel that HOPE was restored in my heart.  Anything is possible!  It can be done!  YES WE CAN!  It's a feeling that I don't expect anyone to understand.  All of my life, I've read in the history books of how blacks have been oppressed, abused, and degraded --beaten down by injustice.  Ostracized by a country that is supposed to be the land of opportunity and fairness. Now in my life time I can rejoice in the fact that we have overcome!  I have never in my 23 years of life been more proud to be an American --an African-American! 

I am deeply saddened by the things I've read on facebook and myspace.  I didn't realize I knew so many ignorant and arrogant people.  The true colors of many Americans has been revealed.  But I am thanking God for a new day!  Say what you may, but BARACK OBAMA IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!  He is the man for the job.  

I am overwhelmed with joy for the hope that has been implanted in a new generation.  All things are those that BELIEVE!!!  I've never once doubted Barack Obama could and would be our nations 44th President.  His character, his heart, and his passion has inspired me from the first day he put his foot in the ring.  The least likely to take this honor has reached an unattainable goal. I've been taught by the bible that ONE DAY the last will be first!  Those who sow in tears will reap songs of joy!  President Barack Obama will forever be one my living heroes.  I thank God for this moment in history and being blessed to be alive to witness this.


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