Monday, April 27, 2009

Turn the other cheek

Time has taught me that I often experience my sweetest victories by relaxing, moving on with life, not seeking vengeance; leaving my foes to destroy themselves. Why waste time plotting and planning the demise of another??? Justice is always served. Know that. I try to always keep that in mind. It's true that we should treat others how we ourselves want to be treated. Karma does exist, and I firmly believe in it. Though I must admit, it is usually very tempting for me to release my "wrath" on anyone who wrongs me. Thankfully time has taken the foolishness out of me, and produced a fairly wise being. Now it is much easier for me to say "I wish you well" and actually mean it. I am almost embarrassed to admit how long it took me to get to this point. But how nice it feels (sometimes) when I know that I'm raining on the parade of someone who's deserving of it. You know sometimes it like Jekyll and Hyde??? Part of you says "yeah give 'em all you got, ruin him!", but then the 'good' me says "they'll pay eventually just let it go". Haha, sometimes I swear it's like a comedy show when I stop and listen to my thoughts. But take it from me, I have learned, it's better to let it go. The enemy will eventually hang himself for all to see.

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