The picture above is my desktop background. I have it there, so that everyday as I am on and off my computer I can see it as a reminder. Oh how ungrateful I can be at times, concerned with only with myself and my needs. But seeing that picture really yanks the slack out of my back to make me stand up straight. It's no secret how I feel about Barack Obama. I've called him one of my living heroes since I learned of his existence 4 years ago. There is something in him that evokes change! His presence inspires me to give my all even when I don't feel like it; the will to continue climbing the mountains of life even when it seems like I'm a thousand miles from the top. I've cried those tears along with him. Tears of joy, tears of pain, tears of struggle, tears of shame, tears of guilt, but most importantly tears of triumph; the spirit of a true fighter. I'm inspired and encouraged by his life, overcoming racial barriers to lead a nation. Whenever I see that picture of him crying two old biblical passages come to mind "the last will be first" (Matthew 19:30) and "those who sow in tears will reap songs of joy" (Psalm 126:5) I wish I could explain the depth of those verses. Wow how powerful! As an African American I find another level of inspiration in accomplishments. I feel like Whoopi Goldberg's mother summed up what so many of us felt when it was announced that he was the 44th President, she said "I finally felt I was home, I could put my bags down and stop running". I wasn't alive or around for all the early racial movements and advancements in accepting everyone of every color. But in so many ways within my soul I understood exactly what she meant. So many people gave their lives for this day to come. I can't begin to put in to words how deeply moved I am to see him mark such a significant change the history of the world. I think he's a beacon of hope in some truly dark times. He represents equality for all men and that gives me hope for tomorrow.
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