Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank God for a new day!

So how about that Inauguration today?!!?!?! Phenomenal right? I am amazed at how far our world has come, especially America. I mean come on, let's be real we have Barack Obama as our nations leader!!! How amazing is that?!? Just think 40 years ago the dream seemed distant, far-fetched, and impossible. Heck, just 4 years ago, the dream seem unattainable. The Lord himself said that one day "the last shall be first"! The fact that more than enough people in our great nation were able to look beyond the color of a persons skin, to give a black man the fair chance of leading this nation makes my heart sing with joy! I'm starting to really believe that line 'we shall overcome'. It invokes a new faith in greater possibilities. Barack Obama does just that...invokes the belief that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! That's a quality a leader must have (in my opinion). If you can't be that spark to influence a nation to embrace change & unity, then you're just another average joe, and the job of President isn't for you.

Seeing President Barack Obama up on that platform today being sworn in gave me chill bumps, literally. I thought Lord this is no longer a dream, it's reality! Hallelujah! I believe this is the change our country needs in order to PROGRESS and go forward. Hearing his speech was another chill bump moment. Love him or hate him, we all have to admit that he reeks of intelligence, sophistication, & charisma. Was that speech not one of a true leader? A man of great faith! I believe that he's going to be a terrific President, though he has a mountain of obstacles against him. He'll be judged of course because he's black, he'll be judged for how he handles the current mess he was left to fix, & he'll be strongly judged for his new, fresh, & creative ideas. Come what may, this is the man for the job, and I believe he's going to be do great :)

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