Today I watched What's Love Got To Do With It? The story of Tina Turner's life...her rise to fame, if you will. We all have a story to tell right? Well her's is one to be admired. Most people would have given up and given in before enduring the things she did. I know I probably would have ran for the hills, given the opportunity to foresee the future. But of course the winning factor for me in this story is that the under dog wins! You all know how I'm stuck on that whole passage of how "the last will be first."
The reality is, she probably could have left her abusive husband (Ike) much sooner --year's sooner. Odds are she would still have a very successful career. Like most manipulating, insecure bullies Ike gained control through her mind. He beat her self-esteem to a pulp; to a point in which she felt life couldn't be lived without him by her side. I still can't understand so often people like they 'need' a particular person in order to survivor. A lot of times if you're not careful, that 'protector' that you seek to embrace can be the most dangerous part of your life. I am convinced that once someone has mental control over you, then they have COMPLETE control. Despite what your physical abilities may be. It's all connected to your mind. It's in my opinion that so many abusive, draining relationships linger on for years and years, because one person has mental control over the other one (the weaker one) and isn't ready to let go. It's not 'love' or anything close to it.
Luckily for Tina after years of enduring violent beatings, rants, & raves from her manipulator, it clicked! She realized that deep down he was a coward. No one to be afraid of. It always brings a smile to my face when I see someone gain enough confidence in themselves to say "I can do this alone". Through going at it alone, she became bigger than ever before. She made a name for herself. Manipulation, control, abuse --really, what's love got to do with it?
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